The NextSeq 550 System combines tried-and-true next-generation sequencing (NGS) and array capabilities with tunable outputs, enabling both small and large labs to scale to meet their needs. As a foundational instrument in the Illumina NGS system portfolio, the NextSeq 550 System is ideal for labs that want to expand beyond their current capacity and new labs interested in harnessing the complementary powers of sequencing and genotyping on a single instrument. Its fast DNA-to-results workflow enables rapid sequencing of exomes, targeted panels, and transcriptomes in a single run, with the flexibility to switch to low- or high-throughput sequencing as needed. Illumina scientists are available at every point along the way with support and guidance, enabling large clinical research labs to scale with confidence and smaller labs to employ both genotyping and sequencing technologies
NextSeq 550 Sequencing System
The NextSeq 550 System
combines tried-and-true instrument technologies and tunable output with sequencing and array capabilities. Users can run transcriptome, targeted resequencing, genotyping, and other applications all on one platform.